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  • Writer's picturePaul Wallace

God is Moving!

God is continuing to draw young people to Himself! This Sunday we will hear Thomas testimony of being drawn from darkness to Light! Here is a picture of his second baptism. Yes, second, as after his first he was not fully committed. So after a desperate plunge into the darkness, he was then ready to fully commit himself to the Lord.

And on Tuesday, two more of the young adults decided to follow Jesus in baptism. We will have a special presentation of the baptisms over the nine months for the call to worship next Sunday.

Praise God for his move of the Spirit in these young adults lives. Please continue to pray for them. There will be another baptism on Sunday as one of the attendees to the young adult group via Zoom comes from Maine to be baptized! On the 30th we will have a Memorial Day potluck which will be a good chance to get to know our new members and welcome them as a part of Wayside. Ask them their testimony and share yours with them.

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